SoCot PHRMO opens for new applicants

KORONADAL, SOUTH COTABATO- The Provincial of South Cotabato has a total of 2,643 employees; 1,024 for plantilla positions and 1,673 for job orders and contract service personnel. According to Mr. Alex D. Basco, Provincial Human Resource Management Officer, they are facing a big challenge this 2020 in a reason that from time to time they […]

6 IPHO employees rated Top Performers

Six (6) employees of the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) were rated as Top 5% Individual Performers of the Provincial Government of South Cotabato (PGSC) for the year 2020. The 6 IPHO employees were led by Dr. Alah Baby Vingno, Provincial Health Officer I, John Arlo Codilla,RN, Hannah Ebeo,RN,  Celia Lorenzo,RND,  Genesis Navales,RN, Marifort Rafael,RN. […]