South Cotabato’s Official Brand, Slogan launched

The Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Promotions Unit officially launched the Official Brand and Slogan of South Cotabato for its tourism campaign last September 16 during the Closing Program of the Streetfood Festival held in celebration of Tourism Month this September. Senior Tourism Operations Officer Cesar Sulit Jr., ACTM chief, led the launching by […]

Gov DAF inducts new officers of HATO

KORONADAL CITY — Governor Daisy Avance Fuentes inducted the newly-organized officers of the Hospitality and Tourism Organization (HATO) in the province of South Cotabato during the Closing Program of the Streetfood Festival last September 16 at the parking area of the South cotabato Sports Complex, this city. HATO is composed of Bachelor of Science in […]