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Province of South Cotabato

Musicians join “Kemnahe Lingon“ Song-writing Workshop

CITY OF KORONADAL — Some 16 musicians joined the “Kemnahe Lingon” (T’boli word which means “I Dream of Songs”) Song-writing Workshop spearheaded by the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM)  Promotions and Development Unit last August 11 – 12 here at Villa Princessita. Tourism Operations Officer I Argie Ryan Asaria disclosed that the workshop was […]

PEMO SoCot conducts massive assessment on Allah River siltation

KORONADAL, SOUTH COTABATO- The Provincial Government of South Cotabato through the Provincial Environment Office chief Siegfred Flaviano conducts massive assessment and intervention on the siltation being present on the Allah River. PEMO chief flaviano said that the said office investigate to know the status, the level of siltation, and other agricultural activities. The technical working […]