Official Website

Province of South Cotabato

PPOC sets Php88 million budget for 2022

The Provincial Peace and Order Council chaired by Governor Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr. has set at least Php88 million for its 2022 peace and order programs during the  PPOC meeting held today via zoom. Based on its 2022 Annual Budget, the said fund will be allocated through the following Plans Programs and Activities (PPAs); Support […]

– ACTM aims for capability-building trainings for 2022

The Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit plans to conduct series of capability-building trainings for 2022 in partnership with the Department of Tourism (DOT) 12. Senior Tourism Operations Officer Argee Ryan Asaria, ACTM chief disclosed that his office wanted to develop the skills of tourism professionals, service providers, officers and stakeholders which is also […]