SouthCot artist nominated for Phil Art Awards

A South Cotabateno is one of the 5 visual artists from Mindanao nominated to the Philippine Art Awards, a prestigious art award-giving body based in Metro Manila. Danny Castillon Doce, a TUP Fine Arts graduate and formerly stationed as full-time visual artist for 31 years in Taytay, Rizal, is one of the regional winners […]
275K visitors flock to South Cotabato from Jan-Feb ‘23

Some 275,768 tourists visited South Cotabato for the first 2 months of 2023, the Arts, Culture, Tourism & Museum Unit (ACTMU) reported. Richie Matunding, ACTMU Statistician disclosed that 141,719 visitors were recorded in January while February recorded 134,029 visitors. Lake Sebu is still the February top tourist destination with 63,515 visitors; last January […]