Official Website

Province of South Cotabato

Gov Tamayo, Bishop Casicas to appeal to DENR ban on open pit mining

After the court decision on the open pit mining issue, Governor Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr. will appeal to the national government to ban open pit mining in South Cotabato. Tamayo said that he would negotiate with DENR Secretary Antonia Loyzaga together with Bishop Cerilo Casicas after the Holy Week. “I want the national government to […]

New investment seen to boost agriculture industry

Chinese investors from Maylong Enterprises led by Mr. Bill Ho made a return visit in the province for another round of investment exploration. Facilitated by the South Cotabato Economic and Investments Promotion Center (SCEIPC) through Mr. Tyron Jann B. Villanueva, and the Provincial Agriculture Office (PAGRI), the team went to the Municipality of Banga to […]