The Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Development and Promotions Unit will conduct of a Capability Building and Product Development activity in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) 12.
ACTM Senior Tourism Operations Argie Ryan Asaria disclosed that the objectives of the activity is to document the diagnostic assessment of participants at various levels, set the plan of assistance and direction per Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME) and match MSMes with potential resources and other service providers.
“An Assessment, Consultations and Triage Sessions will be conducted in which the different products of the participants will be assessed by designers, brand consultants and other resource providers whether from DTI and their functionaries or from other government agencies and other partners,” STOO Asaria explained.
The activity, Asaria pointed out, expects to gather tourism-accredited pasalubong centers, artisans and MSMEs from the province during the 6-day provincial event slated this coming October.
Asaria likewise stressed that the product development and needs assessment sessions are closed-door events, where only invited participants are allowed to enter the premises.