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Province of South Cotabato

DAR chief awards 967 CLOAs to 1,389 beneficiaries in SouthCot

KORONADAL CITY – At least 1389 Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) from South Cotabato were able to receive from Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Secretary Atty. John R. Castriciones a total of 967 Certificate of Land Ownership Awards (CLOA) during the Regionwide CLOA distribution held earlier today at the South Cotabato Gym and Cultural Center this city.
Said CLOAs which cover 1,735.8 hectares were part of the 2,921 certificates distributed to the entire region covering a total of 6,519 has.
Other beneficiaries also include 1,313 from Sultan Kudarat: 535, Sarangani; and 304, Cotabato province.
In his message, Castriciones urges the beneficiaries not to mortgage or sell their lands.
“You are so lucky you were given this piece of land for others do not have any. “he said,
CLOA distribution is a flagship program of the department in support of the agriculture sector.
” Our economy will prosper if our agriculture sector is stronger. We can be progressive,” he said,
Aside from CLOA distribution, Castriciones also turns over other Php63. 4 million worth of support services such as hauling trucks, agricultural inputs, office equipment, mobile rice miller, farm to market road among others.
For his three days visit from April 13-15, 2021, Secretary Castriciones will also conduct DAR-to-door distribution of CLOAs and ARBO visitation for Buhay sa Gulay program on selected areas within the region.

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