Official Website

Province of South Cotabato

Provincial Investment Incentive

South cotabato

Fiscal Incentives. – An Enterprise registered under this Code shall be exempt from payment of basic real property tax to the full amount of the share of the province on the basis of the amount of their investments and for the specified periods as follows:

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For New Projects or Enterprises

For Expanding Enterprise

For High Priority Projects or Industries

Which include Renewable Energy, Clean Water and Green Projects as defined in Section 5 of this Code.

For Expanding Enterprises (High Priority Projects or Industries)

Provided that additional years of exemption shall be granted also to expanding registered enterprises when by reason of such additional investments the registered enterprise falls under a higher bracket in which case it shall enjoy the exemption for that bracket, which period shall include the period of exemption granted prior to the expansion and provided further, that additional years of exemption may be granted only upon application with and approval of the Board.

Other Fiscal Incentives

Registered enterprises shall also be granted exemption from the payment of Transfer Tax on acquired properties to be directly utilized in the business upon application for transfer.

General Policies in the Administration of Incentives.

The grant of incentives shall be governed by the following general policies:

Non-Fiscal Incentives

The Board, through the SCEIPC ,shall provide the following non-fiscal incentives to Registered Enterprises:

Assistance in site selection and negotiation for right of way;