The Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council increased its budget this year to conduct more services concerning anti-illegal drug activities.
The bulk of the said fund goes to the expenses for the operation of the newly established Balay Silangan Center which caters to the rehabilitation, reintegration, and aftercare of drug surrenders. At least Php10.68 million was allocated for the said facility.
Law enforcement gets Php2.38 million while Preventive education was given Php2 million budget.
The rest of the fund was distributed to the different programs and projects of other council members.
The South Cotabato Police Provincial Office (SCPPO) was given a total allocation of Php2.5 million, broke down as follows: Drug Abuse Resistance Education, Php400,000; Cash Reward for an anti-illegal drug operation, Php2 million and other Preventive Education, Php400k.
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency(PDEA) with Php402,500 for the Intelligence Workshop; Php600k for Preventive Education under the Department of Education.
Php170k allocated for the advocacy campaign under the Provincial Information Office.
Php441k allocated to the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office for the training expenses on Family /community-Based Preventive Education and Lifeskills for youth.
Php150k for training expenses for the V-Advocacy under the Provincial Population Office.
Human Resource Development Division gets Php50k for the program on Drug-Free Workplace; Php600k for the Drug Testing kits and Community-Based and Development Rehabilitation Program under the Integrated Provincial Health Office.
Php150k allocated for the Therapeutic Community Ladderize Program of the Parole and Probation office.
Php200k for the Behavioral Reformation Program of the South Cotabato Rehabilitation and Detention Center.
Php632k for the various capacity building activities in support of the Municipal/Provincial ADAC.
PADAC operations get Php5.5 million which include the purchase of 1 unit vehicle, meals, and snacks, training expenses, prizes for the Search for Outstanding MADAC and general services.
South Cotabato Governor Reynaldo S. Tamayo as the PADAC Chairperson fully supported the council and made the realization of the said increase from the Php14.5 million annual budget last year to Php20.7 million this year.

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