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Province of South Cotabato

PRDP turns over first “Dairy Project” in SouthCot

POLOMOLOK, South Cotabato – The Php 47.4 million “Dairy Production, Processing and Marketing subproject” under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) was officially turned over to the UNIFIED Engineering Workers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (UEWMPC) here yesterday

The project which is considered the first pilot dairy project in the country aims to promote and maximize the potential of dairy cattle farming in the province of South Cotabato, promote the genetic improvement of the proponent group’s cattle production through animal dispersals, and establish a brand for the enterprise by engaging in milk processing.

Out of the total Php122.5 million big-ticket projects implemented under PRDP in the province, this is by far the biggest, which will benefit a total of  1,904 coop members.

Other PRDP projects already implemented and completed in the province include the Php39.3 million, Enhancement of Production and Marketing of Dried Green Coffee Beans worth Php17.9 million, and  Integrated  Cacao Production Processing and Marketing of Fermented Cacao Beans worth Php17. 9 million.

In its briefer, the project is the first concluded partnership between the PRDP and the National Dairy Authority, wherein facilities and equipment were provided by the PRDP while the 120 heads of dairy cows from Australia were provided by the NDA.

Out of the total project cost, the provincial government of South Cotabato has provided Php6.7 million as its counterpart.

Other sources of funds include  Php20.26 million as loan proceeds, Php20.26 million from the Government of the Philippines, Php6.75 million, and  Php13.6 million from the proponent group( UEWMPC).

The activity was graced by Vice-Governor elect Arthur Y. Pingoy Jr., representing Governor Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr., Polomolok Vice-Mayor Xavier Bayan, UEWMPC Consultant Engr. Nilda B. Almencion, National Dairy Authority Dept. Manager Marlon Flores, representatives from the   PSO Mindanao IREAP Component,  Regional Project Coordination Office 12,  UEWMPC, and guests from other line agencies.

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