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Province of South Cotabato

Lake Seloton clean-up drive progressing – PEMO

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The clean-up drive at Lake Seloton conducted by the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist Office (OMAg) of Lake Sebu LGU is rapidly progressing, this was disclosed by Lake Supervisor Carlos Legaste of the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO).

In a visit last week by this writer, tons of floating water hyacinths or “water lilies” were seen already removed by workers in Lake Seloton since it started last March 1.

Legaste confirmed that the water lilies occupied about 12 hectares area of the lake and may take another month before the workers can fully remove it.

Heaps of water lilies can also be seen piled up near the lake’s fish port area and will be composted as organic fertilizer. according to Legaste.

After the Lake Seloton clean up, Lake Sebu and Lake Lahit will follow next, Forester Mary Jane Manlisis, chief of PEMO’s Forest and Inland Water Division divulged in an earlier interview.

The clean-up drive for Lake Seloton is budgeted at P400,000.00 while another P200,000.00 and P40,000.00 is allocated for Lake Sebu and Lake Lahit, respectively.

PEMO will conduct its own clean-up drive this coming April in Lake Sebu with a budget of P100,000.00.


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