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Province of South Cotabato

ACTM launches Kemnahe Lingon II Songwriting Contest

With the launching of the Kemnahe Lingon Season II Songwriting Contest in celebration of the National Arts Month (NAM) 2024, a workshop will be conducted spearheaded by the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit.

Senior Tourism Operations Officer Argie Ryan Asaria, ACTM Unit chief disclosed that 2 representatives each from the lone city and 10 municipalities of the province will join the workshop with artist/composer Marven Blu Corpuz as trainer.

The workshop is slated from February 28 – 29 in Lake Sebu, Asaria added. ACTM likewise said the output of the workshop will be presented this coming  May which is celebrated as National Heritage Month.

e 11 entries will compete during the 25th T’nalak Festival this July.

Kemnahe Lingon Season I was launched last 2021 with 15 entries participating.



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