AVLDA is GOOGLE’s TOP 9 Best Stories

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GOOGLE has cited Allah Valley Landscape Development Alliance (AVLDA) as one of the Top 9 Best Google Stories worldwide for businesses and organizations.

According to the most sought-after search engine company, the recognition was made through the efforts of Louie Pacardo, AVLDA South Cotabato Project Officer ( then Officer-in-Charge), who submitted their different programs, particularly the years of intervention to address the recurring problem of flooding and how it works using Google programs.

Pacardo is an active member of Google Business Group (GBG) – Gensan Chapter, considered by Google as one of the most active GBGs in the world.

Google went to South Cotabato on October 15 – 20 to produce the film entry of AVLDA where it hired a German-based production company using the script of a New York-based Google consultant.

Google Stories which is now on its second year aims to document stories of organizations worldwide with impact to people, communities and environment using Google programs in their works.

Joining AVLDA in the Top 9 Best Stories are entries coming from Mexico, Nepal, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Governor Daisy Avance Fuentes was also interviewed by Google as AVLDA Chairperson where she discussed the relevance of AVLDA as an alliance of two local government units (LGUs) in addressing the problems across boundaries.

All video entries will posted on Google this month of November and will be open for online voting worldwide, with judges coming from Google Company.

Top three (3) winners will be sent to Mountain View, California to present their stories.


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