Official Website

Province of South Cotabato

24 Barangays in SoCot avail Bamboo Development Program for 2020

The Provincial Environment and Management Office (PEMO) implements the Bamboo Development Program for this year 2020 particularly the Riparian Zone Revegetation  Project. Ms. Mary Jane  Manlisis,  Division Chief on Forest and Inland Water, said  twenty four (24) barangays in the province  avail the said program.    Number of bamboo propagules were delivered to the following barangays […]

37 Centenarians receive cash incentive

  The Provincial Social Welfare Development Office (PSWDO) spearhead  the distribution of cash incentive  to thirty seven (37) centenarians  in South Cotabato.  This is in response to honor our senior citizens, Filipinos who reached the age of one hundred years old based on Republic Act No. 10868 which also known as the “Centenarians Act of […]

PEMO regulates 47 tunnels in Tboli

The Provincial Environment and Management Office (PEMO) conducts regular monitoring of Tboli Mining Operations to 47 tunnels to ensure the safety of its workers through the conduct of Occupational Safety and Health Training Practices.  OIC Division Chief, Agnes L. Castañares said they have commissioned five employees at the Minahang Bayan Center in Tboli, South Cotabato  […]

SouthCot’s SGM Collection reaches Php8.44 million for six months

The Sand and Gravel. Mining Collection in the Province of South Cotabato had reached PHP8.4 million for the first six months amid pandemic. PEMO Chief Siegfred M. Flaviano stressed out that despite the situation, the SGM tax collection is not affected.  “ This revenue is already the 30 percent provincial share of the province.”  He […]