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Province of South Cotabato

South Cotabato launches “Buntot ni Daga, Bigas mo” campaign

The Provincial Government of South Cotabato through the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist and the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office launches the “Buntot ni Daga, Bigas mo” campaign in a bid to eradicate the rat infestation that creates havoc to farmers’crops.
Antonio Rubinos, chairperson of Tinongcop Agrarian Reform Multi-purpose Cooperative said that the rat infestation in their area is a huge problem for them nowadays.
“ We need help in eradicating these pests, they affect our production particularly on rice, corn, root crops and other Agricultural products.” Rubinos said,
One of the strategies the OPAG and the PDRRMO implemented is the campaign which will emanate in the respective municipalities. All farmers are enjoined to participate in the campaign through a “Food for Work” scheme.
Focal Person Ronald Pacol of OPAG said, the province has allocated at least one million for the said campaign which was launched last May 9, 2023 at the municipality of T’boli.
“Ten rat tails is needed to get one kilo of rice.” He said,
He enjoins each participant to submit their rat tails at their respective Office of the Municipal Agriculturist. The OMAG will collate all rat tails and the summary will be submitted at the the OPAG in order to prepare the needed supply of rice for distribution to the farmers.
“The duration of the campaign is until supply lasts” Pacol said,

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